Hungary Revives 'Golden Visa' Program for Non-EU Investors Seeking Residency

Hungary has reintroduced its Golden Visa program, now called the Guest Investor Program, offering wealthy investors a pathway to EU residency.

The revamped Golden Visa allows non-European Union (EU) and non-European Economic Area (EEA) citizens to obtain residency by investing in Hungary’s education system or real estate. This program benefits Hungary and grants the applicant free travel throughout the EU.

According to Travel And Tour World, the new Guest Investor Program will be open for applications starting this July. One notable feature is that applicants can include their families in their applications. This means an applicant, their spouse, minor children, and parents can gain residency in Hungary and easy access to the EU.

To apply, investors must choose their type of investment: donating to a higher education institution in Hungary, investing in residential property, or purchasing units in a Hungarian real estate fund. From 2013 to 2017, Hungary’s Golden Visa program attracted 1.4 billion euros in investments and issued nearly 4,800 residencies.

Application Requirements

This residency path is not for the average traveler. The minimum amount to donate to higher education is 1 million euros. The minimum purchase of a residential property is at least 500,000 euros, while the minimum amount for investing in real estate fund units is 250,000 euros. Although Hungary’s official currency is the Hungarian forint, euros are specified for the investments.

Applicants must be over 18, have no criminal history, and provide proof of income and ability to invest and live in Hungary. The application process includes submitting relevant paperwork, applying for a residency permit, and providing biometric information. Successful applicants will receive their residency permit by mail or electronically.